Need a Book
Overdrive houses our collection of eBooks and Audiobooks. You can use Overdrive to search for and check out eBooks anytime and anywhere!
Tales2Go is an additional collection of audiobooks that we have available for South Jackson students.
Tales2Go is an award-winning kids’ mobile audiobook service that streams thousands of name-brand titles to mobile devices and desktops in the classroom and beyond.
The benefits of listening to audiobooks include enhanced vocabulary, fluency, and listening skills. Studies show that when a listening component is added to reading instruction, student achievement increases measurably. Students are able to read at a higher level without having to decode each word on a page and they hear modeled fluent expressive reading.
Tales2Go can be used on a desktop, laptop, iPad, iPhone, iTouch or Android. This means you can use it at home, or on the go!
Apple App Store
If using an iPad, be sure to search within the iPhone apps vs. iPad only apps
Google Play Store
Computer Browser OR
You will need to log in as a school. Fill in the country, state, and school name as you log in.